NAV changes are becoming mandatory for FY 2020 Share this Article: As we are now approaching to year-end reporting season, we thought it would be useful to point out once more to our members that the Net Asset Value (NAV) changes will need to be officially adopted for the first time in the annual reports ending on December 31, 2020, for those 3.1 EPRA Earnings 06 3.2 EPRA NAV 09 3.3 EPRA Triple Net Asset Value (NNNAV) 11 3.4 EPRA Net Initial Yield and ‘topped-up’ NIY 12 3.5 EPRA Vacancy Rate 14 3.6 EPRA Cost Ratios 15 4. Core Recommendations: Investment Property Reporting 19 4.1 Accounting basis under IAS 40 19 4.2 Valuation information 19 4.3 Investment assets 20 EPRA Net Reinstatement Value (EPRA NRV) is NAV adjusted to reflect the value required to rebuild the entity and assuming that entities never sell assets. Hence, EPRA NAV and EPRA NNNAV are replaced by three new Net Asset Valuation metrics: EPRA Net Reinstatement Value, EPRA Net Tangible Assets and EPRA Net Disposal Value. Disclose EPRA Earnings and EPRA Earnings per Share (EPS), along with their underlying calculations, in accordance with the recommendations in Section 3.1 of the October 2019 BPR. x 3.2 EPRA NAV metrics Disclose EPRA Net Reinstatement Value (NRV) and NRV per share, including their underlying calculations. x NAV changes are becoming mandatory for FY 2020 Share this Article: As we are now approaching to year-end reporting season, we thought it would be useful to point out once more to our members that the Net Asset Value (NAV) changes will need to be officially adopted for the first time in the annual reports ending on December 31, 2020, for those Eliminating dividend distribution, the NAV increase during the month would have been +0.73% compared to the previous month. EPRA NAV and EPRA NRV as at the end of February 2021 decreased to EUR 1.2233 per unit, corresponding to a decrease of -0.31% over the last month.

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€. 122.65 For details for NRV, NTA, 1 Until 2019 EPRA NAV adjusted, from 2020 onwards EPRA NTA. 21 oct. 2020 35. Communiqué de presse - 21 octobre 2020 en euros (x 1 000).

43,2. 43,1 samtidigt som bolagets EPRA NAV uppgick till 936 miljoner kronor.

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Cet événement initialement prévu le 19 mars, se tiendra sous forme de webinar le 25 juin prochain. EPRA Overarching Recommendations Organisational boundary. Fabege avgränsar redovisningen till fastigheter där vi har kontroll (operational control) enligt principerna i Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Operational control har valts eftersom det ger Fabege bäst förutsättningar att redovisa statistik och data som Fabege direkt kan påverka.

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EPRA NAV The EPRA NAV is a net asset value per share calculated in accordance with EPRA’s methodology i.e. net assets on the balance sheet excluding the effects of hedges, debt adjustments associated with the hedges and deferred taxation. NAV changes are becoming mandatory for FY 2020 Share this Article: As we are now approaching to year-end reporting season, we thought it would be useful to point out once more to our members that the Net Asset Value (NAV) changes will need to be officially adopted for the first time in the annual reports ending on December 31, 2020, for those 3.1 EPRA Earnings 06 3.2 EPRA NAV 09 3.3 EPRA Triple Net Asset Value (NNNAV) 11 3.4 EPRA Net Initial Yield and ‘topped-up’ NIY 12 3.5 EPRA Vacancy Rate 14 3.6 EPRA Cost Ratios 15 4. Core Recommendations: Investment Property Reporting 19 4.1 Accounting basis under IAS 40 19 4.2 Valuation information 19 4.3 Investment assets 20 EPRA Net Reinstatement Value (EPRA NRV) is NAV adjusted to reflect the value required to rebuild the entity and assuming that entities never sell assets.

Hyresintäkterna uppgick till 738 miljoner kronor (781), en minskning med 5,5 procent mot föregående år. EPRA Net Reinvestment Value (NRV): EPRA NRV aims to highlight the value of services companies (unlike the former indicators EPRA NAV and NNNAV). 27 Jul 2020 Recent changes in the EPRA NAV measures have led many CRE EPRA Net Reinstatement Value (NRV) – assumes entities never sell  14 Nov 2019 COMMENT In the 16 years since the development of the EPRA NAV we will welcome the new EPRA NAV metrics, namely EPRA NRV, EPRA  30 Nov 2020 EPRA NRV (former EPRA NAV). EPRA NRV assumes that entities never sell assets and aims to represent the value required to rebuild the entity. 1 Mar 2021 discount to a growing NAV per share supports additional long-term EPRA NRV → assumes that entities never sell assets and aims to  8 Feb 2021 EPRA NRV – Net Reinstatement Value Shareholders' equity according to balance sheet following the reversal of fixed-income derivatives and  Indicators. Know more about EPRA indicators of Covivio. EPRA NAV €/share , 99,7, 105,8, 99,8.
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Epra nav nrv

43,2. 43,1 samtidigt som bolagets EPRA NAV uppgick till 936 miljoner kronor. Under året  Reinstatement Value (NRV), EPRA Net Tangible Assets (NTA) and EPRA Net Disposal Value (NDV), which have been introduced in replacement of the EPRA NAV and EPRA NNNAV. New adjustments include the fair value of intangibles (optional), add back Real Estate Transfer Following extensive consultation with industry stakeholders, EPRA has today announced changes to the Net Asset Value (NAV) measurement to reflect the significant evolution of the listed real estate (LRE) sector over the last 16 years, when the Best Practices Recommendations (BPR) guidelines were first introduced.

EPRA NAV, EPRA NRV and EPRA NTA as at the end of December 2020 decreased to EUR 1.2219 per unit, corresponding to a decrease of -5.55% over the last month. As of 31 December 2020, the fair value of the Baltic Horizon Fund portfolio decreased to EUR 340.0 million (31 December 2019: 358.9 million). EPRA NAV and EPRA NRV as at the end of February 2021 decreased to EUR 1.2233 per unit, corresponding to a decrease of -0.31% over the last month. Consolidated net rental income for February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.5 million, corresponding to a net rental income increase of EUR 0.2 million compared to the previous month (EUR 1.3 million in January 2021).
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Q3:2020 Delårsrapport - Kungsleden

EPRA NAV = Eget kapital med återläggning av derivat och uppskjuten skatt och skatterabatt erhållet i samband med förvärv, i förhållande till antalet aktier vid periodens utgång* *Definition som fastighetsbolaget Kungsleden Se hela listan på castellum.se Långsiktigt substansvärde (EPRA NAV), kr Redovisat eget kapital hänförligt till stamaktien, exkl. eget kapital tillhörande preferens- och D-aktier, innehav utan bestämmande inflytande och hybridobligationen, med återläggning av redovisad uppskjuten skatteskuld, goodwill hänförlig till uppskjuten skatt och räntederivat.

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2 Mar 2021 EPRA NAV in accordance with the previous EPRA NAV guidelines. The EPRA NRV as at 31 December 2020, set out in the table below  31 Mar 2021 The EPRA Net Reinstatement Value (EPRA NRV) of the portfolio amounted to € 6,037m (EPRA NAV: €5,214m) which represents €51.38 per  14 Feb 2020 Components of EPRA NAV change, 31 December 2018 to 31 December Current. EPRA NAV. NRV. NTA. NDV. IFRS net assets.